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Cruelty-Free and Vegan Lipsticks for a Perfect, Guilt-Free Makeup Look

Do you need a cruelty-free and vegan alternative to the lipstick in your makeup bag?? Shopping for lipstick can be a bit of a task. With so many color options and finishes, it can get overwhelming… fast. Then trying to find a brand that is 100% cruelty-free and carries lipsticks that don’t contain animal ingredients (carmine is a big one), it can seem nearly impossible to find what you need.

I’ve made it easy for you! I found several 100% cruelty-free brands that offer vegan lipstick options, available at UIta, Sephora, or Amazon. Keep reading for a full list of 100% cruelty-free and vegan lipsticks.

This list only includes beauty brands that are 100% cruelty-free and meet ALL of the following criteria:

They do not test on animals during any part of productionThey do not order materials from any third party vendor who tests on animalsThey do not have third parties test their products on animals on their behalfThey do not sell their products in countries that require animal testing (i.e. mainland China)They are not owned by a parent company who tests on animals

Cruelty-free and vegan lipsticks

Cruelty-free and vegan lipsticks

Below is a list of cruelty-free lipsticks that don’t contain any animal derived ingredients, such as carmine or lanolin. These brands don’t test on animals and are not owned by a parent company that tests on animals.

Note: Makeup formulations do change, so you may need to double check the ingredients to confirm that the product is still vegan.

Vegan Liquid Lipsticks

Vegan Liquid Lipsticks
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Vegan Lipsticks

Vegan Lipsticks
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_2316').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480:{ items:3 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 }, 1500:{ items:5 } }, autoplay : false, autoplayHoverPause : false, smartSpeed : 100, fluidSpeed : 100, autoplaySpeed : 100, navSpeed : 100, dotsSpeed : 100, loop : false, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 'page', mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, lazyLoad : true, lazyLoadEager: 1, mouseDrag : false, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_2316').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_2316(); window.addEventListener('resize', sa_resize_slider_2316); function sa_resize_slider_2316() { var min_height = '50'; var win_width = jQuery(window).width(); var slider_width = jQuery('#slider_2316').width(); if (win_width < 480) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 768) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 980) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 1200) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else if (win_width < 1500) { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } else { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } slide_width = Math.round(slide_width); var slide_height = '0'; if (min_height == 'aspect43') { slide_height = (slide_width / 4) * 3; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else if (min_height == 'aspect169') { slide_height = (slide_width / 16) * 9; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else { slide_height = (slide_width / 100) * min_height; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } jQuery('#slider_2316 .owl-item .sa_hover_container').css('min-height', slide_height+'px'); } var owl_goto = jQuery('#slider_2316'); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto1').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto2').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 1); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto3').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 2); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto4').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 3); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto5').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 4); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto6').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 5); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto7').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 6); }); jQuery('.slider_2316_goto8').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 7); }); var resize_2316 = jQuery('.owl-carousel'); resize_2316.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function(e) { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); });

Vegan Lip Crayons

Vegan Lip Crayons
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_2327').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480:{ items:3 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 }, 1500:{ items:5 } }, autoplay : false, autoplayHoverPause : false, smartSpeed : 100, fluidSpeed : 100, autoplaySpeed : 100, navSpeed : 100, dotsSpeed : 100, loop : false, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 'page', mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, lazyLoad : true, lazyLoadEager: 1, mouseDrag : false, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_2327').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_2327(); window.addEventListener('resize', sa_resize_slider_2327); function sa_resize_slider_2327() { var min_height = '50'; var win_width = jQuery(window).width(); var slider_width = jQuery('#slider_2327').width(); if (win_width < 480) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 768) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 980) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 1200) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else if (win_width < 1500) { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } else { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } slide_width = Math.round(slide_width); var slide_height = '0'; if (min_height == 'aspect43') { slide_height = (slide_width / 4) * 3; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else if (min_height == 'aspect169') { slide_height = (slide_width / 16) * 9; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else { slide_height = (slide_width / 100) * min_height; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } jQuery('#slider_2327 .owl-item .sa_hover_container').css('min-height', slide_height+'px'); } var owl_goto = jQuery('#slider_2327'); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto1').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0); }); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto2').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 1); }); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto3').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 2); }); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto4').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 3); }); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto5').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 4); }); jQuery('.slider_2327_goto6').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 5); }); var resize_2327 = jQuery('.owl-carousel'); resize_2327.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function(e) { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); });

Vegan lip Glosses

Vegan lip Glosses
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_2092').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480:{ items:3 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 }, 1500:{ items:5 } }, autoplay : false, autoplayHoverPause : false, smartSpeed : 100, fluidSpeed : 100, autoplaySpeed : 100, navSpeed : 100, dotsSpeed : 100, loop : false, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 'page', mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, lazyLoad : true, lazyLoadEager: 1, mouseDrag : false, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_2092').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_2092(); window.addEventListener('resize', sa_resize_slider_2092); function sa_resize_slider_2092() { var min_height = '50'; var win_width = jQuery(window).width(); var slider_width = jQuery('#slider_2092').width(); if (win_width < 480) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 768) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 980) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 1200) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else if (win_width < 1500) { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } else { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } slide_width = Math.round(slide_width); var slide_height = '0'; if (min_height == 'aspect43') { slide_height = (slide_width / 4) * 3; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else if (min_height == 'aspect169') { slide_height = (slide_width / 16) * 9; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else { slide_height = (slide_width / 100) * min_height; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } jQuery('#slider_2092 .owl-item .sa_hover_container').css('min-height', slide_height+'px'); } var owl_goto = jQuery('#slider_2092'); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto1').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto2').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 1); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto3').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 2); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto4').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 3); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto5').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 4); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto6').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 5); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto7').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 6); }); jQuery('.slider_2092_goto8').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 7); }); var resize_2335 = jQuery('.owl-carousel'); resize_2335.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function(e) { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); });

Lip + Cheek Duos

Lip + Cheek Duos
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_2356').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480:{ items:3 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:5 }, 1500:{ items:5 } }, autoplay : false, autoplayHoverPause : false, smartSpeed : 100, fluidSpeed : 100, autoplaySpeed : 100, navSpeed : 100, dotsSpeed : 100, loop : false, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : false, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 'page', mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, lazyLoad : true, lazyLoadEager: 1, mouseDrag : false, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_2356').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_2356(); window.addEventListener('resize', sa_resize_slider_2356); function sa_resize_slider_2356() { var min_height = '50'; var win_width = jQuery(window).width(); var slider_width = jQuery('#slider_2356').width(); if (win_width < 480) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 768) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 980) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 1200) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else if (win_width < 1500) { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } else { var slide_width = slider_width / 5; } slide_width = Math.round(slide_width); var slide_height = '0'; if (min_height == 'aspect43') { slide_height = (slide_width / 4) * 3; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else if (min_height == 'aspect169') { slide_height = (slide_width / 16) * 9; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else { slide_height = (slide_width / 100) * min_height; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } jQuery('#slider_2356 .owl-item .sa_hover_container').css('min-height', slide_height+'px'); } var owl_goto = jQuery('#slider_2356'); jQuery('.slider_2356_goto1').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0); }); jQuery('.slider_2356_goto2').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 1); }); jQuery('.slider_2356_goto3').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 2); }); jQuery('.slider_2356_goto4').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 3); }); jQuery('.slider_2356_goto5').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 4); }); var resize_2356 = jQuery('.owl-carousel'); resize_2356.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function(e) { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); });

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XO, Stephanie

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